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Take some time for yourself, write a letter setting out exactly what you want and don’t censor it. People turn to life coaching because they are unclear about the direction their life is going in, they feel there is something missing. It’s my job as a coach to help them work out what that something is, and how they can find it. All coaches have a series of tools at their disposal to help them do this, over the next few articles I’m going to be sharing some of these for you to use.

End of year anxiety?

We all have secret worries and fears that we don’t want to share with our social circle but when you’re worried that your aspirations or goals will be judged by your closest friends you can start to hold yourself back.

You might find yourself blocking your own goals. If you’ve started assuming that what you want simply isn’t possible, that you don’t deserve to go for it or that you should put others’ needs and desires before your own, then you’re probably not getting the most out of your life.

Putting our needs behind those of others is something we do in all aspects of our lives. From work, to our families, to sex - we can get caught up in trying to please other people and ignore our own needs.

One way I ask clients to think bigger about what they want is through future-self exercises, these are exercises that encourage you to think as if you had already achieved what it is you’re working towards. This isn’t about being your ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ future self, God knows there is already so much pressure to be this.

This is about giving yourself time to explore what’s possible and being really honest about what you want.Here’s one exercise that I ask clients to do early on in coaching, it’s an effective way to clearly show what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Write a letter and imagine where you want to be a year today. Imagine what your life looks like, what you’ve achieved and what you’ve had to do to get there.

Then write a letter from your future self to your present self.You want this letter to resonate so here are three steps to getting it right:

1. Write down your goals and what your life looks like when you’re not tolerating it and you are completely happy and you’ve achieved everything you want to. You can be as creative as you like, you’re the only person who will read this so don’t hesitate to put in everything you want.

2. When writing the letter take yourself out of your day to day environment and go somewhere that allows you to dream big. Go somewhere you find inspiring and beautiful to write the letter, take your time and write without editing or censoring. Don’t cross things out or start again, this isn’t about a writing competition, nobody is grading you on your grammar or the realism of your work.

3. Don’t judge what you have written as good or bad, possible or impossible. It’s just what’s here right now. Holding back this judgement opens to the door to being honest with yourself about what really makes you happy, and what you really have to do to achieve it. When you read the letter back to yourself, we want for you to feel inspired and energised by what you have written – this doesn’t want to feel like pressure, more like hope.

4. Now you’ve completed the letter, there are a few things you can do to bring it alive.

Keep it where you can see it regularly, and re-read it from time to time to remind yourself of your goals. You can break it down, maybe try splitting the year into quarters with goals for each month. Something I like to do is to share my letter with someone I trust – a coach or a close ally who will champion me and hold me accountable.

And there’s a great website called futureme.org – if you post your letter on there, you will get it sent back to your inbox in one year from the date you posted.Good luck and enjoy!

Credit - Nikki Armytage is a life coach at Electric Woman

Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

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I was sat today talking to a friend that I haven’t seen for a couple of years.

As we sat and chatted about all the things we had missed out on in one another’s lives, he began to tell me about his children and his wife and how recently he had the misfortune of having to go and shop in #Ikea...I took a sharp intake of #breath and said .

“ can’t go there.. don’t like it”

I was so adamant as it came out of my mouth that I took myself by surprise.

“Why” he said, “it’s not that bad” .. he was laughing at me by this point.“It bloody is”..

“I have to walk a certain way round, the direction they tell me to and they can sod off. Every time I go I make an absolute point of walking anyway round but the “correct” way”

You may #laugh but I mean it. You see, that’s the inner me, the child like spirit that I hold on to so dearly, the spirit that doesn’t give a shit.

That’s the same part of all of us. The part that didn’t care, until someone older told us we had to care, the part of us that was totally non-conformist and all the happier for it.

That’s the part that we should #love and #nurture the most.

It’s also the part of me that can be found regularly being told off for touching the “display items”, for rearranging fridge magnets in people houses to leave offensive messages.

The part of my that touches the “do not touch button”.

The part of me that still stamps in puddles, that laughs at people who cut me up on the motorway.

But here is the thing, it is also the part of me that when someone is rude to me or bad tempered, I use “that” same part of me to look at them and think..

“ well that reaction is about you and where you are in life” not about me. It’s the part of me, that allows me to smile and think “

nope, sorry but not taking on your shit today my friend, you are welcome to keep that exactly where it belong, in your lap”

And then the #kid in me just skips off.. uncluttered, undeterred and happier .... because it’s then that I realise the only difference between me and my strength right in that moment, and them in their moment?Is that I kept listening to the little child inside of me ..

And yes this is me in #McDonald’s with ketchup cups for eyeballs.... Happy... Because I choose to be ...

And this .. this is my 10 year old #nephew.. my love #Ernie.. see ... there it is. He is embracing his inner child, because he lives his life without knowing that one day someone will try and tell him not to..Well I know who I would rather take after.. I am with Ernie’s way all the way x Title Photo credit - Photo by Senjuti Kundu

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It’s the most natural thing in the world isn’t it ?

To be you, to be proud to who you are. Love is a beautiful thing and the world is a better place for it. Acceptance is a wonderful thing, as is pride.

So why does the world find it so hard to achieve? Often it’s who we see when we look inside ourselves that is the first step to acceptance.

You could argue that once a person is able to accept themselves, become proud of themselves and who they are, then the world has no choice but to accept us.

But in reality is that really the case? Should the better way; be one of not giving a f*ck about what anyone else thinks? How would it feel to live with that freedom. The freedom of self acceptance and life without pleasing others, without placing limits on ourselves.

Without having to portray a certain stereotype just to make others around us feel better about themselves. It is sad but yet true that many people still live within a world where they feel only able to show part of who they really are to others, the part that they have decided will be accepted by others, the part that will be agreeable. So why do we feel #internally angry?

That little voice that is unrelenting, unsatisfied with life, feels locked in, feels like it wants to be explored. That is the voice, the internal anger, that is striving for self acceptance and needs just a little courage and understanding to break free.

Wake up tomorrow with just a little more courage.. and give that inner voice the little bit of air time it has been asking for xxx By Life Coach - This Is The Beginning Photo by Tanja Heffner on Unsplash

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