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Live Crossposting

With Live crossposting you can allow a Page to post your Live video broadcast without needing to upload or share it directly. Only broadcasts created via the Live API (Publisher Tools and facebook.com/live/create) are eligible for Live crossposting. Broadcasts originating from mobile cannot be Live crossposted.

Each Live crosspost is treated as a separate broadcast on each Page. Comments and reactions from your Page's broadcast would not appear in another Page's crossposted broadcast. Viewers cannot see where the original Live broadcast is coming from.

In order to Live crosspost you'll need to establish a crossposting relationship with another Page. Once you establish a crossposting relationship with a Page, that Page will also be able to choose how your Page can crosspost their Live videos. Creating a crossposting relationship covers both VOD (video on demand) and Live broadcasts.

Establishing Crossposting Relationships

To add establish a crossposting relationship:

  1. Go to Settings on your Page.

  2. Click Crossposting.

  3. Type the Page's name or Facebook URL and select it from the list.

  4. Select an automatic Live crossposting relationship or a manual Live crossposting relationship.

    1. Choose Allow [Page name] to crosspost their live video to your page without further approval to select an automatic Live crossposting relationship.

    2. Choose Require [Page name] crossposted live videos to be approved by on of your admins or editors before being crossposted to your Page to select a manual Live crossposting relationship.

  5. Click Next.

The Page must confirm the relationship by adding your Page to its crossposting settings. To help the Page confirm the relationship, click 📷 and send the confirmation link to an admin of the Page.

When a Page submits a crossposting request to another Page one of three scenarios can occur:

  1. The request is sent to the Page and remains as a Pending Crosspost Request until it's accepted by the other Page.

  2. The request is automatically approved because you submitted the crosspost request and are also an admin of the crossposted Page.

  3. The request is automatically approved because the crossposting Page has sent your Page a request in the past.

Automatic Crossposting Relationships

Under Crossposting, automatic crossposting relationships are represented by:📷

They're only available for Live broadcasts because of their time sensitive nature.

To establish an automatic crossposting relationship with another Page, click Allow [Page name] to crosspost their live video to your Page without further approval.

Once your Page establishes a relationship with another Page, then all of the Page's broadcasts which enable Live crossposting will automatically publish on your Page. Select this option only for trusted Pages.

Leaving the box unchecked allows another Page to publish a broadcast enabled for Live crossposting automatically onto your Page.

If you crosspost the broadcast and are a shared admin or editor of the crossposted Page, broadcasts which enable Live crossposting will automatically publish on the crossposted Pages.

If you've established an automatic crossposting relationship with another Page and you don't want a specific crossposted Live broadcast to appear on your Page, delete the Live crossposted broadcast on your Page.

Manual Crossposting Relationships

To establish a manual review and approval of Live crossposted videos, click Require [Page name] crossposted live videos to be approved by one of your admins or editors before being crossposted to your Page.

If you crosspost the broadcast and are not a shared admin or editor of the crossposted Page, broadcasts which enable Live crossposting will appear under Videos You Can Crosspost on the crossposted Pages.

If you're creating and crossposting a Live broadcast and are also an admin or editor of the other Page that the broadcast is being crossposted to, the broadcast will be an automatic crosspost.

Under Crossposting these scenarios are represented by:📷

Manual Crossposting with an Established Automatic Crossposting Relationship

To create a manual crosspost when you have an existing automatic crossposting relationship established, you would have to:

  • ensure there are no shared admins or editors between the Pages

  • switch the automatic crossposting relationship to manual via Settings

If you only want to manually crosspost a specific Live broadcast it may be easier to share the broadcast instead.

After a Live has ended it becomes a VOD. You can edit it and select the Pages that will be receiving the crosspost manually.

VOD only supports manual crossposting. Under Crossposting VOD is represented by:📷

Learn more about VOD crossposting.


If you have an automatic Live crossposting relationship established with a Page, you should edit the broadcast's metadata as soon as the original broadcast automatically goes Live.

If the crossposted Page wants a unique description, title, or targeting setting for the crossposted Live broadcast on their Page's Live broadcast post before it is shown to the public make sure you're manually crossposting and don't share an admin or editor.

If each broadcast has different targeting it's best to use manual crossposting. This will ensure that admins or editors do not have to change targeting settings in real-time and followers of Pages that are Live crossposting do not receive a Live push notification for a broadcast that they likely can't view.

Scheduled Live Broadcasts

A Scheduled Live post can be created up to 7 days in advance of the broadcast. A crossposted Scheduled Live means the crossposted Live broadcast will appear on all crossposted Pages before the broadcast transitions to an isLive state. The Live broadcast will also appear on all crossposted Pages during and after the broadcast.

To initiate a Live crosspost when creating a Scheduled Live broadcast post:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Select the Page(s) that will receive the Live crosspost

  3. Click Schedule

  4. Select a date and time

  5. Click Schedule

You can edit a Scheduled Live post after it is created.

Expired and Deleted Live Crossposted Broadcasts

If a Page admin or editor expires the original Live broadcast after it ends only the original is expired. Expiration has no impact on crossposted broadcasts.

If the original Live broadcast is deleted, all of Live crossposts will also be deleted. You will receive a warning indicating the broadcast was crossposted before they permanently delete the Live crosspost.

If the broadcast is deleted after the Live broadcast has ended, only that specific broadcast is deleted. All other crossposted Live broadcasts including the original broadcast remain available for playback.

Disabling Live Crosspost Broadcasts

Disabling Live crossposting from the original broadcast terminates the crossposted Live broadcast on the selected Pages. The original broadcast will remain unaffected. After the Live broadcast is complete the complete VOD is shown on all crossposted Pages.

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We had the best time yesterday, we launched the new Consult Centre Hub building and what a launch it was.

Situated on the beautiful #beach front of #Morecambe #bay near #Lancaster in #Lancashire, we have created a stunning space for local #businesses and #entrepeneurs to use.

In our commitment to #Morecambe and helping local businesses and #business #owners, we wanted to design a space that was creative. As #social #media experts, managing our clients accounts, creativity is very important to us. And as #coaches, #coaching local business owners we wanted to create a space for our #clients to explore their ideas and strategy with us.

In an effort to ensure we appeal to all users on all #budgets, we have ensured our cost to hire is half of that of others #venues in the area.

We really want to encourage those who may not have the #space or the #budget to come and use our space so we have made it #affordable to all.

We have even launched #flexible #working #desks, which can be hired by the hour , the half day or day, to enable people to get out of their #house and work to become more #productive in a dedicated space. With #free #dedicated #high #speed #wifi and free #tea and #coffee served all day, we welcome everyone to come and use our space in #Morecambe.

If we can help you and you would like to come and spend time in The Consult Centre Hub, please call us on 01524 418225 or 07872495820


Take some time for yourself, write a letter setting out exactly what you want and don’t censor it. People turn to life coaching because they are unclear about the direction their life is going in, they feel there is something missing. It’s my job as a coach to help them work out what that something is, and how they can find it. All coaches have a series of tools at their disposal to help them do this, over the next few articles I’m going to be sharing some of these for you to use.

End of year anxiety?

We all have secret worries and fears that we don’t want to share with our social circle but when you’re worried that your aspirations or goals will be judged by your closest friends you can start to hold yourself back.

You might find yourself blocking your own goals. If you’ve started assuming that what you want simply isn’t possible, that you don’t deserve to go for it or that you should put others’ needs and desires before your own, then you’re probably not getting the most out of your life.

Putting our needs behind those of others is something we do in all aspects of our lives. From work, to our families, to sex - we can get caught up in trying to please other people and ignore our own needs.

One way I ask clients to think bigger about what they want is through future-self exercises, these are exercises that encourage you to think as if you had already achieved what it is you’re working towards. This isn’t about being your ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ future self, God knows there is already so much pressure to be this.

This is about giving yourself time to explore what’s possible and being really honest about what you want.Here’s one exercise that I ask clients to do early on in coaching, it’s an effective way to clearly show what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Write a letter and imagine where you want to be a year today. Imagine what your life looks like, what you’ve achieved and what you’ve had to do to get there.

Then write a letter from your future self to your present self.You want this letter to resonate so here are three steps to getting it right:

1. Write down your goals and what your life looks like when you’re not tolerating it and you are completely happy and you’ve achieved everything you want to. You can be as creative as you like, you’re the only person who will read this so don’t hesitate to put in everything you want.

2. When writing the letter take yourself out of your day to day environment and go somewhere that allows you to dream big. Go somewhere you find inspiring and beautiful to write the letter, take your time and write without editing or censoring. Don’t cross things out or start again, this isn’t about a writing competition, nobody is grading you on your grammar or the realism of your work.

3. Don’t judge what you have written as good or bad, possible or impossible. It’s just what’s here right now. Holding back this judgement opens to the door to being honest with yourself about what really makes you happy, and what you really have to do to achieve it. When you read the letter back to yourself, we want for you to feel inspired and energised by what you have written – this doesn’t want to feel like pressure, more like hope.

4. Now you’ve completed the letter, there are a few things you can do to bring it alive.

Keep it where you can see it regularly, and re-read it from time to time to remind yourself of your goals. You can break it down, maybe try splitting the year into quarters with goals for each month. Something I like to do is to share my letter with someone I trust – a coach or a close ally who will champion me and hold me accountable.

And there’s a great website called futureme.org – if you post your letter on there, you will get it sent back to your inbox in one year from the date you posted.Good luck and enjoy!

Credit - Nikki Armytage is a life coach at Electric Woman

Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

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