The Consult Centre team has been enjoying a packed September full of projects and great work for our clients!
We have done so much - everything from producing videos for a fantastic product called SupaSnow to meeting one of the stars of TV's Phoenix Nights!
Check out our SupaSnow videos!

Here is the stop motion video created by Nikki and our young apprentices Gabriella and Sienna.
Here is the video produced by Taylor, Jacob and Greg.
And congratulations to Lesley and Khaalisa who won the client challenge for producing the best one here!
Thank you so much to the team at SupaSnow for giving us the opportunity to film these. It was great fun!
Speaking of which, we also went on a team night out; the first time we've all been able to get together for a social occasion in 18 months due to the pandemic.

The team had a fabulous meal at The Borough in Lancaster followed by a memorable night at the Grand Theatre.
Over the past few months we have been receiving video messages from the resident medium of TV's Phoenix Nights, Clinton Baptiste.
So it was great to meet Clinton in person and his show was absolutely hilarious!
Speaking of celebs, we also spotted Michael Portillo filming his hit TV show 'Great British Railway Journeys' in Morecambe!
This month we are also going gold for Team Reece to show our support for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We were also privileged to welcome Rachel and Lindsay from Team Reece to The Consult Centre office.

The team has also been busy with photo shoots, video editing and our social media management for our clients.
Speaking of our wonderful clients, we wanted to show our appreciation for their support, so we sent each of them a pack of The Consult Centre merchandise. The feedback we received was lovely, and we enjoyed some of the creative uses our clients found for the merch. See Darren from Lime Tree Properties who loved our bag so much, he wore it!

What else is happening?
Well, our new Essentials courses are available if you would like to learn the skills of business social media. Sign up now here.
Thank you to everyone who has hired our meeting and training rooms, and hot-desking spaces. If you would like to find out more about our Morecambe Hire service see
Our next Relaxed Business Networking Event is coming up on Wednesday, September 22 at 11am. It would be great to see you all there! Register now here.
Finally, if you would like The Consult Centre to manage your business social media, give us a call on 01524 418225. We'd love to work with you!